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[Review] Xenoblade Chronicles 3: Future Redeemed (DLC Expansion)

Xenoblade Chronicles 3: Future Redeemed is a wonderful gift from Monolith Soft


Future redeemed came out on April 26th 2023. In the time since I have fully completed the main story of the game. Currently, I am doing the post game content. So, I can confidently provide a full opinion on this DLC scenario now. This review will be broken down into four parts, with my overall thoughts at the end.   


Future Redeemed's battle system is quite similar to the main game. However, it adds it's own twist to it with the use of duo special moves. It is way more important now to launch enemies and get combos going than it was in the base game. These new moves feel very rewarding to land. Every character has a pairing with each other, giving different effects for their duo special, which really encourages experimentation. Other than this battle system change, the general gameplay and loop is very similar to the base game.


The story for this DLC is really special. While the story follows a fairly simple direction, the reveals and tying together of loose ends is were it shines very brightly. If you haven't played previous games in the series you will not feel the same way, but as someone that has, all the things shown in the story were so good to see. Even if you haven't played previous games though, you can still enjoy the general story the game follows. Up until the final moments of the game I was constantly hit with waves of surprising scenes and details in the narrative. On top of this, the characters are all very likable, just like the base games characters were. The new protagonist Matthew serves as a great protagonist for the story, while the supporting cast are just as strong.

The world of the game is very fun to explore and is well designed in it's layout. The character progression encourages you to explore the world as you need to collect certain items to enhance your characters abilities. Xenoblade Chronicles 3 didn't have this aspect to it so exploring didn't yield as much reward, so this was a nice change. Future Redeemed adds field construction that allows you to create ways to explore certain unreachable areas when you have the right resources. So, later on you can come back to an area and now explore a new section of it using the items you have gathered over the game, extending the games exploration and discovery.  


Just like the base game, Future Redeemed looks absolutely stunning. Cutscenes are very well done and beautifully choreographed as they always are in Xenoblade games. The graphic design and art style is very in line with the base game's greatness. The framerate can have it's hiccups just like the base game, but it's nothing unplayable at all. The areas of the game all look great, with a nice variation in biomes. One negative thing I will mention is that in the main town some of the leaves dropping down are a bit low resolution but it didn't bother me at all. 

To conclude this DLC is absolutely my favourite to date and it will be very hard to top it. It was an absolute joy to play this but also quite a sad moment as this is the last we will see of this world. It was the perfect way to end it off and I am very grateful to Monolith Soft for this amazing series of games and DLC expansions. I look forward to whatever is next for the Xenoblade series. 

Rating: 4.5/5

That's it for this blog, stay connected!


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