Pick your team and splat it out!
Source: twitter.com/NintendoEurope
Another splatfest is upon us. This Splatfest, about what you value most, was announced at the end of July on Twitter. The choices for this splatfest are, money, fame and love. As usual, this event runs for two full days (12th @ 1am - 14th @ 1am), with the tri colour battles starting on the second day. Something to note about this splatfest is that it was actually in Splatoon 1 and 2, though without the fame option that is. Team love won both times before, so will it win again? We'll find out soon.
The tri-colour stage this time is eeltail alley, which had been datamined for some time now. The layout for this stage normally isn't the best but the tri-colour version looks to fix a few issues with the standard map. So, it seems like we will get another good splatfest map, just like barnacle and dime was last splatfest. Though, I do hope we see completely unique tri colour maps again soon.
From looking at polls on Twitter and YouTube, I think it's safe to say love is the most popular, followed by money, then least popular is fame. In fact, I saw many polls were fame got less than 8%. This could be one of, it not the least picked teams in a splatfest yet. I thought this one was possibly going to be more even but I was quite wrong.
Make sure to use those conch shells before the splatfest ends and to scrub your splatfest t-shirt every now and then for loads of ability chunks! Happy splatting!
That's it for this blog, stay connected!
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