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[Thoughts] The Best Outfits For EVE In Stellar Blade

Stellar blade sure has some stellar outfits!

Stellar blade has so much choice for outfits and they are all pretty cool. I constantly found myself changing outfits in Stellar Blade throughout my story playthrough. However, today I want to count down my top 5 outfits in the game. I will not be including the ones released as DLC in this, it's purely what was in the game on day 1. I will be showing both versions of each type as well, and stating which I prefer out the two (If it has two versions).

5. Junk Mechanic/Junk Engineer


To start with, this is my fifth favourite outfit type for EVE. This is probably the most complex and weird design of the bunch. This spot was very close between this and another but funky design of this one just edged it out. Some of the features I like of this one are the asymmetrical nature and the belt pack. The asymmetrical nature is easily seen all over this outfit type. It makes it quite the eye catcher. The belt pack, for lack of knowing a better word to describe it, looks quite cool and practical. While I do like the second version I think the first version (Junk Mechanic) is better. If the grey on the second was swapped for white I may have picked that one instead.

4. Daily Knitted Dress/Comfort Knitted Dress


This Outfit type is my fourth favourite for EVE. I think this outfit type was one of the first I got in the game. I like this type of dress much more than the other ones in the game it looks really nice and clean. Some of the features I like from this one are the stockings and the dress string. The stockings have a nice lace top design to them, which directly connects to her dress. The dress strings look cool with the lights at the ends and I like how they tie together at the top. Choosing favourite here is not hard at all, in fact, I think if both versions were like the first it may not have made the top 5. However, the second one (Comfort Knitted Dress) just looks so great with the star design.
3. Daily Force/Comfort Force


Next, my third favourite outfit type for EVE is this one. When I first got this outfit type I thought this would actually be my favourite and I wore it for a decent portion of the game, I liked it that much. Some of the features I like for this are the baggy sleeves and the denim skirt. The baggy sleeves work really well with the more comfy vibe of this outfit. The denim skirt is a cool addition to the outfit giving some contrast to the outfits cosy nature, I particularly like the red lights on it. This one is somewhat hard to choose a favourite but I think I would go with the first one (Daily Force). I think the colours work better for the cosy vibe on that one.

2. Punk Top/Punk Style


Moving on to my second favourite outfit type for EVE. This type is exactly as its name would suggest, punk like. I like this type of look on EVE personally and they did a good job with it. Some of the features I like of this outfit type are the ripped jean design and the designs on the back of the jackets. The ripped parts of the jeans are quite big but I think it looks more unique and interesting like that. The designs on the backs of the jackets are really nice to have since you will be looking at her back during gameplay most the time. I think the first version (Punk Top) looks better because you can more easily see the features and it also has a design on the front whereas the other one is just plain black. The colour variation of the jacket and jeans is also very nice.

1. Wasteland Adventurer/Wasteland Explorer 


Finally, I will talk about my absolute favourite outfit type for EVE. These are probably one of, if not, the most "normal" outfits in the game. Though I think that's why I like them, they are simple but look great. They aren't too distracting and they fit her well. Some of the features I like of this outfit type are the design on the side of the jeans, the text on the jacket and the draping parts of the jacket. The side of the jeans has cut out diamond shapes going up the side of her leg, its a good detail. The text reads "Peace to mankind" which reminds me of Nier Automatas "Glory to mankind" and "EVE" which is a nice addition and makes it feel more customised for her. The draping parts are on the front and back of the jacket and they move nicely with motion. The colour scheme of both work so well and honestly it's really hard to pick a favourite. However, I would probably say I like the second version more (Wasteland Explorer) as I really like red and white as a colour combo.

That is my list of the best outfits in the game. Honestly, there are loads more I really like but I wanted to keep it to a top 5. This game has so much choice for players in terms of outfits whenever I see gameplay people are always wearing different outfits. It just goes to show how much they put into these outfits. There are even quite a few outfits for the other party members which I may make a separate countdown for in the future.

That's it for this blog, stay connected!


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