Japanese livestream shows off 8 minutes of new Ys X footage Source: NihonFalcomSince1981 (Youtube.com) The livestream showcase for this game was split into four sections starting off with a little story segment. The first thing we see could be the intro sequence of the game. We can see Adol and Dogi, in their new designs, talking to people on a ship. As per Ys tradition Adol could be starting on a ship. However, since in this game we know you can ride around on a ship, perhaps this time there isn't a crash and Adol actually gets to land safely. This part ends off with us being shown art of the two main characters for the game. One being Adol as usual, while the other being a new character who is a female. We have previously seen this new character before though so this isn't a new reveal or anything. Source: NihonFalcomSince1981 (Youtube.com) We then get some actual gameplay, this gameplay potion focuses on showing the new traversal abilities. Ys 9 had traversal a...